Thursday, March 5, 2009


I am soooooo annoyed right now (for a really stupid reason) thought I might feel better to "talk" about it! I got a phone call from a window guy to come fix our windows today, I had no idea what he was talking about because Todd had failed to inform me, making me want to slap him! Window man says he will be here shortly and I call Todd with a "Um Hello" his response a little laugh and a "oh I forgot to tell you". I then had to spring board into action of picking up to make us look have way human, at the time I was on here leasurily (SP) looking around enjoying a few laughs etc. I know this probably sounds lazy of me but I feel like sh--, my cough has now turned into full blown bronchitis/wheezing (of which I will be heading to a Dr. at any moment) I am beat tired and just felt like doing a wheely onto the bed and taking a nap before I had to pick the kids up from school. Now instead I will suffer with two window men who are bitching and moaning every step of the way... Help me J/K Donna

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I am sure everone was on the edge of their seets to see what happend on the T-Ball delima (SP?). We actually got what we wanted which was to drop out of the inter-league with La Palma and Buena Park! I e-mailed and spoke with the Presidsent and then went to the board meeting last night where the board agreed with us, trust me it was VERY satisfactory! Now we will be playing on our own Cypress fields, with our own rules and our own teams! Now I need to work my next duty of collecting all the fundraiser money and turning it in. Then making sure everyone has filled out their volunteer applications and get copies of their dl's so background checks can be done. Also, need to get new game schedules for everyone. On a seperate note Katie and Blake should both have a fun day tomorrow. Blake is going on a field trip to centennial farms which is at the OC fairgrounds (for some really weird reason I feel very tense and worried about him going... very un me). To celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday Katie's class is having a "read-in" where they get to bring something to read, books, magazines etc., a sleeping bag, a pillow, munchies and a drink and for a good part of the day the just get to read, relax and munch, how fun huh! Then since her class filled their marble jar the teacher is buying them pizza for lunch! Well, guess that's about as good as it gets for now. Love to all, Donna

Monday, March 2, 2009


I find myself a bit overwhelmed (doesn't take much), we are having a waahoo with T-Ball, way to long of a story but just to let you know I will be going to the little league board meeting tomorrow night, to complain/express concern/represent the parents. We are not liking the interleague play with Buena Park and La Palma, and want to just go back to being strictly Cypress as that is what we signed up for. There are several problems, playing C-minor teams, changing the rules every other minute, list goes on and on. I will let you know what happens as I am sure every one will be on the edge of their seats. Then my next overwhelming chore is I am in charge of the entire book fair at school, with no idea where to start, um hello... Need to get off and pretend I accomplished something today, Todd is home. Bye for now, Donna